
My Child is Intelligent Smart Curious Adventurous Innovative Hyperactive Playful


Unlock your child’s hidden potential with personalised activities designed by experts.

Make Parenting Scientific, Visionary and Fun.

Unlockstar Club is a personalised talent-building digital platform that helps every parent discover and improve the hidden potential of their child (age 3-14), through scientifically validated activities.

It is the world’s first standardised talent-building programme designed by child cognitive development experts to develop the mindset, mental capabilities, and natural abilities of children through customised activities, based on each child’s cognitive assessment.

Become a visionary parent. Help your child unlock their talent to prepare them for careers of the future.


Digital Platform

Join a home-based digital platform for unlocking the true potential of the child you love.

Cognitive Assessment

Enrol for an assessment to discover your child's mindset, cognitive abilities, skills, and complete learning nature.

Personalised Activities

Get customised learning activities and solutions to improve the mental and natural abilities of your child.

Parenting Platform

Access parenting tools to maximize the potential of your child in a highly cost-effective, and scientific manner.

Quality Screen Time

Convert usual screen time to fun child-parent bonding moments.


Enjoy customised activities based on scientifically validated insights.


Cognitive Assessment
Onboarding Unlockstars take an online cognitive assessment to discover their mindset, core mental abilities, skill set, and complete learning nature.
Personalised Activities
Unlockstars get customised learning activities and solutions, based on cognitive assessment result, to improve their discovered potentials.
Fun Projects
UnlockstarNinja throws out a fun project every week. The most fantastic videos are published online.
Activity Bundle
The dashboard contains customised learning activities downloadable every month to develop mental and natural activities.
Tracker Test
The tracker test evaluates the cognitive development of Unlockstars on a quarterly basis to identify milestones.
Parenting Insights
Unlockstar Fam (parents) get valuable insights for bonding with their Unlockstars, and parenting tools to improve their potential.

Go Beyond Academics... Unlock your Child's Potential!

Schools provide academic knowledge.

Your child’s dream career requires specific skills.

How do you fill in the missing puzzle?

Develop your child’s talent for the career of their dream.


Solve the biggest problem in childhood education and parenting.

Wooh hooh!

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